Ocean Therapy
Issue No. 28
Ocean Therapy
images via Pinterest and personal shots
Crisp, refreshing, and sparklingly blue, the ocean holds a certain magic in the month of August. There is no greater feeling than your first full dunk in the ocean’s salty, calming waves. “Baptismal” is what my dad calls it, and he’s right. Submerging fully, even if only quickly, can reset even my worst days. It seems inexplicable, but there is undoubtedly a healing power to the ocean. After we lost my mom in August 2017, one of the first things we did as a family was jump in the ocean together. It felt natural to seek it out as a healing response to such grave loss. It turns out, science can explain why we’re drawn to the ocean in this way. So much more than an antidote to summer heat, ocean swimming is a powerful ritual that activates our innate biological responses, soothes our minds, and rejuvenates our bodies in ways that modern science is only beginning to fully appreciate.
The Mammalian Diving Reflex
One of the phenomenons that explains this is the mammalian diving reflex (or MDR). All mammals have innate reflexes that help them survive in cold water, humans included. When exposed to cold water, mammalian bodies all respond in a similar way. Our heart rate slows, and blood vessels in our arms, hands, legs, and feet constrict. This helps our body preserve oxygen, making sure that our brain, heart, and other vital organs get priority blood flow. This is true whether you’re a blue whale, a sea lion, or a human!
Mental Health Benefits
It turns out, proximity to the ocean positively affects not just our physical body but also our mind. “Blue Mind” is a term that describes the slightly meditative state of peace that results when we’re close to, in, on, or under water. In the past ten years, Blue Mind science has exploded. The research clearly shows that time spent near water, in any form, benefits our cognitive, emotional, psychological, social, physical, and spiritual well-being. It reduces stress, calms our mind, and boosts creativity. Just yesterday, after drafting this newsletter all morning, I took Elsie for a beach walk just the two of us and could really feel this in action. The ocean was a little churned up and the spray coming off the top of the crashing waves was lightly misting our faces. I felt instantly calmer and more relaxed, even just by walking along the shore.
In fact, a study commissioned by Swim England found that 43% of participants who swam regularly said it makes them feel happier, 26% were more motivated to complete daily tasks, and 15% believe life feels more manageable. (!!!)
There is an entire book dedicated to the subject – Blue Mind: The Surprising Science That Shows How Being Near, In, On, or Under Water Can Make You Happier, Healthier, More Connected, and Better at What You Do. Written by marine biologist Wallace J. Nichols, the book dives deep into the remarkable impact of water on our health and well-being. It’s pretty technical, but it’s on my reading list!
Physical Health Benefits
Mental health aside, the ocean’s benefits to our physical bodies are just as remarkable. Here are a handful of benefits your ocean dunk will deliver:
Skin. Seawater is rich in vitamins and minerals (magnesium! sodium! calcium! among others) and have a natural cosmetic effect on our skin. Certain skin conditions (psoriasis! eczema!) see particular calming benefits. Magnesium in seawater has also been shown to lower cortisol levels in the body, helping to calm our nervous system and reduce the likelihood of stress-induced skin breakouts.
Inflammation. Cold water therapy is a robust topic (to dive deeper into another time!) but at a high level, exposing our bodies to cold water offers numerous physical benefits, including reduced inflammation and faster muscle recovery.
Respiratory. Seawater is salty, which can help those of us with sinus issues – offering an all-natural saline solution to open up sinuses and clear things out.
Hormones. It’s true - immersion in water also balances our hormones. According to Very Well Mind, a decrease in catecholamines, our hormones responsible for our ‘fight-or-flight’ response, is to thank. Decreasing our innate response helps us combat stress, something we know supportsa healthier, more productive existence.
Weight. Studies have shown that cold ocean water activates our brown fat cells, which, unlike white fat cells, help keep us warm. Brown fat helps us raise body temperature and, as with it, burns through calories quickly that can help us shed excess weight.
Resistance training. Some may not realize it, but swimming is considered a form of resistance training, per Forbes Health, while also having cardiovascular benefits. Per Island Sports Hawaii: “Swimming in the ocean is not just a leisure activity; it’s a comprehensive workout that benefits the heart and the entire cardiovascular system. The act of swimming involves almost every muscle group in the body, providing a full-body workout that improves heart health, enhances circulation, and builds endurance.” Great for our joints, muscles, heart, and overall health, swimming is low-impact form of exercise that, oh, by the way, is delightfully enjoyable.
Sleep quality. Sometimes referred to as the “ocean’s lullaby,” the repeated crashing and lapping of waves on the shore is about as relaxing a sound as I can think of. There is a reason nearly every white noise machine ever made has an “ocean waves” setting. It serves as a natural calming aid, supporting deeper and more restful sleep. The physical activities associated with the ocean, (swimming! surfing! beach walks!) also contribute to better sleep by tiring us out and reducing stress.
The list goes on, but I trust that by now you’re to jump in?! I know I am.
sources: care plus, marine sanctuary, NCBI, Forbes Health
Maximizing Ocean Benefits
Summer can come and go in a blink of an eye and, with it, our chance for easy, routine ocean swims. Here are a few tricks I’m keeping in mind to help ensure I’m taking full advantage of the beautiful, blue ocean we have stretched out before us.
Make time: Just like exercise, prioritizing ocean dunks will help us make sure they happen.
Full-body immersion: “Dipping your toes in” doesn’t count. For the full effect, dunk (head included) under to activate that mammalian dive reflex we talked about.
Breathwork: Try slow, deep breaths while floating. Talk about relaxing.
Move: Gentle swimming or treading water will amplify circulation benefits.
Stay a while: 10-15 minutes and you’ll really soak up the benefits.
Consistency: Try for 2-3 ocean dunks a week during summer for cumulative benefits. I love the idea of a “once a day” challenge if you live near a beach or physical body of water.
Mindfulness: Slowing down and allowing time to appreciate and connect with the ocean and (usually breathtaking) beach around us will help maximize the mental health perks.
Remember, even a quick dip can do wonders. It doesn’t need to be an hour-long swim to activate the benefits! Next time you’re debating skipping that ocean dunk (me, every time I go to the beach), maybe think again. This goes without saying, we should (obviously) always practice safe swimming and have the utmost respect for the ocean, which can turn on a dime into a scary place.
Links I Loved This Week
Osea Malibu’s Hylaronic Body Serum, the perfect all-over skin hydrator after long days at the beach.
A soft, cozy kimono-style robe by Buggy. Because staying in your robe all day should be a thing. These would make an amazing postpartum gift for anyone with a summer or early fall baby!
While this is definitely not a shopping newsletter, two shopping-related discoveries this week made me happy (and a much savvier online shopper). The first is Gem, an app that scours resale platforms across the internet (The Real Real! Vestiaire Collective! Poshmark!) and aggregates pre-loved items by brand. I bought a Lemlem dress (for the beach) thanks to @LauraNuyen’s latest newsletter.
The second is Croissant, a browser extension (or app) that Laurel Pantin wrote about last week with intrigue! As she puts it, “when you shop on those sites with the extension enabled, you’ll be able to see the guaranteed resale price that Croissant will give you for up to one year for your purchase.”
This very cute shell bag from Poolside is now on my list. I had the pleasure of sitting next to Ashleigh Stone, Poolside’s founder at dinner on Thursday with ShopMy in Sag Harbor. She’s just as wonderful as you’d expect!
To my left at that same dinner was Lilly Sisto, who is pure delight! If you’re not already following her (or reading her newsletter @latest arrivals), you should change that!
And with that — Happy Monday! Happy August! I hope you can slow down a little this month and take some time to relish in the best month of the year (at least, in my humble opinion).
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