A Minimum ofC innamon

Issue No. 33

Throwback to six-month pregnant me prioritizing restorative routines like beach yoga... 

A Minimum of Cinnamon

Ahh, October. The magical sound of freshly fallen leaves crunching under foot. The crisp chill in the air that goes perfectly with cinnamon-spiced-anything. PSLs (that’s Pumpkin Spiced Latte if you’re unfamiliar) are popping up at coffee shops all over town. Which brings me to this week’s topic: cinnamon. A lot of you have mentioned that you ditched La Croix after reading this piece on sparkling water. I thought this week’s might be similarly useful for discerning minds. It turns out that cinnamon, while packed with health benefits, can also contain alarming levels of lead if you’re not careful. I was in the middle of making an apple-sauce-like “treat” for Elsie (who could not be more into solid food, by the way) and thought: might be nice to add a little cinnamon.

Tension We Carry

Regulating our Nervous System

Links I Loved This Week

  • I’ve been listening all week to Noisli, which is basically Spotify for sounds that improve your productivity and focus. I’ve never been one to (successfully) listen to music and work at the same time so this is changing the game for me, especially with a baby in the house! You can choose from a list of categories like noise blocker, productivity, relax, motivation, creative thinking, writing, sleep… you name it.

  • Speaking of productivity, this ‘back to school’ season has me craving a refresh of my work zone. This laptop case has my attention (although the 13 inch sold out while I “thought about it.”) Heaven Mayhem is a new-to-me brand known for their vintage inspired jewelry but just launched laptop cases! Oooh, they are nice!

  • A random life hack I’ve been appreciating lately: having an industrial pair of scissors at the ready. I’m on month three of staying at my dad’s and you better believe these scissors are out every single day. My dad’s favorite joke: “You call this a pair of scissors? THIS is a pair of scissors.” But seriously, I’m ordering these for LA because they’re that useful.

  • Now that it’s just about officially fall, the barn jacket conversations are getting to me! This and this from J Crew are calling my name, but I’m hesitating because I’m not sure they’re right for LA?? I guess I’ll always be an east coast girl at heart.

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